Most days our hard work is paid for in kisses, hugs, adorable smiles, snuggles, and “I love you mommy”. Even the day to day mini-appreciations are welcome, but Mother’s Day is one day in the year we can cross our fingers and hope for something a little extra special. If you are anything like me, you have a husband who wants to create a day to celebrate you, but isn’t quite sure what to do or get, and needs a little help to lay out the plans. So send him this “interesting article you found” with a Mother’s Day gift guide to give him some ideas.

MOM Swag
Sometimes you just need a fun reminder that you are rocking it at this mom thing. Being a twin mom, I get extra bragging rights (triplet and more moms, I applaud you even more!), so I love swag that I can show it off to the world. T-shirts, necklaces or bracelets, pop-sockets, loungewear, I mean really I could go on all day. Usually I buy these things for myself as I see something I want, but if I was gifted one by my family I know it would mean even more. My favorite mom wear shops are Mom Life Must-Haves and Mom Culture.
Robot Vacuum
My Roomba has honestly been the most amazing Mother’s Day gift I have ever received. This makes it almost number one on my Mother’s Day gift guide. Since I am a lazy cleaner, my floors were barely ever vacummed before my robot vacuum. Now, I can easily pick the toys up from the floor, and watch “boop boop” (didn’t you know your kids get to name him?) clean up crumbs and bump into furniture. I can 100% say that my life has changed for the better with this thing, even if that sounds ridiculous. It also made it to the top of my Mommy Must-Have list!
Not cleaning or cooking
Some days, I feel like I’m on repeat each day, cooking, cleaning, cooking, cleaning. My big wish for Mother’s Day is to have a day without having to do any of it. Maybe that means hubby takes over, or we go out to eat or get take out. As long as I do not have to sweep the Mac and cheese from the floor and wash the dishes, I’m a happy momma. Maybe even give a little peace and quiet to relax and read a book? Now I’m in heaven!
A homemade gift from the kids
My hubby didn’t quite understand this one. I love making art projects with the kids, but it seems a little weird to have them craft a project with me that is for me. A couple years ago, I laid out the paper, crayons, and paint and told my husband to get busy crafting while I took a nap. They made something really simple, and did need that push of encouragement, but it was fun to see their creativity together. Even a kit where they decorate their own mug or make a handprint stepping stone for your garden is really cute too. I think homemade gifts are one of the best things in my Mother’s Day gift guide because they come from the heart.
Coffee, coffee cup, coozie
I’m pretty sure that coffee is the lifeline of 99.9% of moms. Having a fun coffee mug makes mornings a little more bearable, especially when you have to keep popping that cup in the microwave to reheat it or are refilling it 4 times before 8am hits. A nice cold brew system is perfect for spring too. Mom can create a whole pitcher of fresh ice coffee that will last in the fridge a few days to a week. I Love making my cold brew pot, and then creating myself a coffee and almond milk fix and pretending I made it out to a coffee shop. Then I pair my nice iced coffee with a cup coozie from Love Mich to keep it cold all day, as I likely forget where I put it about 10 minutes in to my morning.
Wine, wine glass
Relaxing after a long day with a glass of wine is one of my favorite ways to relax. I used to be a big believer in buying whatever the cheapest wine was on display at the package store. As I get older, I’ve been finding those cheap wines leave me feeling like garbage in the morning. Lately I’ve been trying out the wines from the Traveling Vineyard, and I can’t say enough about them! My friend Raeann is an amazing wine lady, and whatever I get from her, I am never disappointed! A great gift idea is their Rewined wine box subscription. You could gift a cute mom wineglass on Mother’s Day with a print out and promise of wine. I know most moms would be celebrating at a gift like that!
House cleaner
For some reason, no matter how hard I work to clean my house, it always looks like a tornado blew through about 30 minutes to an hour later. I spend so much time keeping with the surface work like picking up toys, washing dishes, sweeping up lunch from the floor, and doing laundry, that I never have time for the detail work. Last year, I had a professional come in for a deep clean. 7 hours and 3 people later, my house finally was looking good and I felt great about life! Of course it only lasted so long, but giving the gift of someone else tackling the hard cleaning projects is one of the highest ranked gifts on my Mother’s Day gift guide.
Car detailing
Along the same lines as a house cleaner, having someone else vacuum the crumbs, get all the trash, and make my car sparkle is high on the list. Cleaning my car is something that ranks low on my to-do list because its not often I have a car without kids that I can take the time to head to the vacuum station at the local carwash. Let’s be honest, I also have 100 things on my to-do list and cleaning out my car just does not rank high enough. My favorite place to send my hubby is Groupon to look for a discount on a good car detailing, and I usually have him go through Ebates to earn 8% in cash back when he shops too. Aren’t I thoughtful when planning my gifts?
I hope you’re getting a head start with ideas for the most amazing woman in your life with my Mother’s Day gift guide or you are a mom looking for ideas to start dropping those hints. Next up, we’re talking about Mother’s Day breakfast ideas and craft projects. My flower planting sensory bin is a fun way for your kids to build you a bouquet of flowers too! Join me in my facebook community for more fun on motherhood, books, real life and more!

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