Hand washing has always been an important life skill to teach from a young age. This year, teaching kids about germs seems to have taken a larger than life role in 2020. We are trying to cover hand … [Read more...]
Books & Crafts: Paper Plate Crab Craft
It's been a hot minute since I've written a new blog post with a craft and book pairing! I'm blaming a strong case of burnout from life and coronavirus fallout. We've all been healthy, but the … [Read more...]
Books & Crafts: Apple Stamping Craft Project
It is officially fall!! I am pretty sure fall is my son's favorite season, even if he doesn't realize it yet. Everything he is obsessed with happens in the fall. Apple picking, pumpkin patches, … [Read more...]
Books & Crafts: Make Your Own Monster Craft
My kids LOVE monsters. Well, they love the silly, goofy monsters with weird shaped bodies, googly eyes that are friendly and don't hide in their closet. Once we discovered the young graphic novel … [Read more...]
Books & Crafts: Shark Craft with Counting Fish!
Sharks. Such a fascinating creature that Discovery Channel devotes an entire week to them with Shark Week, and kids everywhere are obsessed. My kids haven't jumped on the shark bandwagon yet, so I … [Read more...]
Books & Crafts: Outer Space Salt Painting
We've been on a science kick lately, which was brought on when we opened our new boxed set of science beginner books. These are perfect for curious preschoolers, and young elementary age kids learning … [Read more...]